Bee Support Days are designed for people that have just started out in bee keeping and would like extra support during their first few months or year. Alternatively, it could be for bee keepers with only one or two hives and would like to spend time in a larger apiary and gain experience dealing with different scenarios (us bee keepers all know bees don’t read the books!).
This time can be spent either at Steve’s Bees apiary with the numerous hives and/or at your own apiary (within a reasonable distance of Crowborough). You may want the support of someone helping you to find your queen, helping and guiding you to catch and mark her, help you perform an artificial swarm, or just give you the confidence that you do know what you are doing and to touch up on your handling techniques.
Jo loves teaching and helping others on their journey. Please contact her to discuss your individual requirements. This support could be a one off, short term or over a period of time.